
Dúvidas, dicas e truques de PL/SQL. Aqui também vão assuntos relacionados a pacotes, triggers, funções, Java-Stored Procedures, etc
Júnior Cirqueira
Rank: Estagiário Júnior
Rank: Estagiário Júnior
Mensagens: 2
Registrado em: Dom, 27 Jun 2004 11:59 pm
Localização: Sertãozinho - SP

Ola pessoal ... tive um probleminha de ORA-6413 e até então nem sabia do que se tratava esse erro, mas é algo bem interessante e que talvez passe desapercebido de alguns, assim como se deu comigo.
O problema parece estar no nome da maquina que não pode ter caracteres especiais para que se conecte ao Oracle. Bem, um amigo me conseguiu uma descrição e vou repassar a vocês, segue logo abaixo.

Até mais ....

Selecionar tudo

"Solution Description 

You need to verify that the client computer's identification does not 
contain reserved characters. Particularly the parenthesis symbols: ( ). 

To check on Windows95/98/NT: 

1. Right click the Network Neighborhood Icon on your desktop. 
2. Select Properties. 
3. Within the Network Properties window, select the Identification Tab. 
4. Verify the Computer Name box does not contain any of the reserved 
symbols, change if necessary. 
5. Check the DNS configuration. 
6. On Windows NT, select the Protocols Tab, on Windows95/98 select the 
TCP/IP-> Network Adapter from the list under the Configuration Tab. 
7. Select Properties. 
8. Select the DNS Tab on NT, DNS Configuraiton on Windows98/95. 
9. Verify the Host Name box does not contain any of the reserved 
symbols, change if necessary. 

*NOTE: If you have to change the Computer Name, you will have to 
reboot to have the changes take affect. You may also need 
mount the Operating System disk for Windows95/98/NT to copy 
in new files. 


You are using reserved symbols to identify the client computer. 
Sqlnet/Net8 has a character set for keyword value entries, which is 
restricted to single-byte characters. However certain single-byte 
characters are reserved symbols within Sqlnet/Net8. 
These reserve symbols are: 

( ) = \ " ' # 

Sqlnet/Net8 passes client information, such as host, username, and 
program executable to the database during connection establishment 
as part of an 'exteneded' connected discriptor. Using a reserved 
character can cause connection failures resulting in ORA-6413, 
Connection not open errors. In particular the open and close 
parenthesis symbols ( ) being used to identify the client computer. 

This would be noticeable in the Sqlnet.log where the errors are shown. 

For example, here is an excerpt from a Sqlnet.log (using wordwrap for 
display purposes), showing the connect failure using "ALPHA (TEST)" as 

Fatal OSN connect error 6413, connecting to: 

TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production 
Time: 14-OCT-99 23:23:49 

Tracing not turned on. 


Note1: The actual connect descriptor in Tnsnames.ora specifies TCP as 
the protocol, not Beq, but because the client hostname contains the 
parenthesis, Sqlnet/Net8 just breaks trying to setup and interupt 
handler and write Beq protocol to the Sqlnet.log. 

In the Sqlnet trace you would see an attempt to set up an interupt handler. 

Excerpt from Sqlnet.trc (level 16 trace) 

onstns: osntns: setting up interrupt handler... 
-<ERROR>- onstns: Couldn't connect, returning 6413 
onstns: exit 

Note2: It is possible to have the Computer Name and the Internet 
host name different. If the computer name is changed in the 
Identification Tab, it will overwrite the host name in the DNS 
Rank: Analista Sênior
Rank: Analista Sênior
Mensagens: 147
Registrado em: Qui, 16 Mar 2006 11:26 am
Localização: São Paulo
O mundo gira muito!!

Fala Júnior Cirqueira,

Bom dia,

Este problema já foi resolvido em sua máquina?

Abs Hahu
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